The latest from the Wedding fam
A conversation with our favourite Team of planners about work and life, the wishful balance between commitments and rest, and how to work the pause button.
The wedding season is now in full swing. We are driving, flying, reaching locations for site inspections, we are busy with ceremony work to coordinate, and replying to emails in between. Getting the last details locked in for the wedding meals, triple checking the flower décor at the venue and the music playlists. We’ve been doing this for A WHILE. So, as the wedding summertime fast approaches, we know how to show up ready, keep up the pace and enjoy the ride.
A question we get asked very often is how the heck can we work under [such high] pressure, and deliver events with shining precision while the stress and expectations around us are increasing by the minute? When the office gets buzzing after months of ‘peaceful’ days, we love to see our agendas come alive again. After all, if you already know us, you will know that handling stress days and stressy couples is our ‘thing’.
In reality, some people are more cut out for high-pressure jobs, while others feel better in slow-paced professions. We do however believe that even for those not looking to apply for a job as a something planner, the secret should be in knowing when it’s time to rest, taking a break, or finding distractions, and stopping about two days before that moment. All essential ingredients to a happier-healthier living.

Insight with Aurora
Pause buttons?
We sat down with Aurora for this edition and asked her a couple of questions to get a little insight and inspiration around how she enjoys her fast-paced role, and when and how it’s best to use the ‘pause’ button. After all, that’s what summers are for. At least for some of us. For those of you who have been out of touch for a while, Aurora is one of the precious members of the Wedding family team of planners, and a true ray of sunshine. Naturally attentive and equipped with a large, sweet smile, Aurora is an excellent senior planner in the making.

Interview with our planners
From stress to ressst
[Question] How would you say is your stress level when the new wedding season starts?
When the season starts, most details and a huge part of the actual planning job are already done [she laughs], so the stress during the wedding season has more to do with how I manage my expectations about delivering a service that reflects the high-quality WeddingItaly is known for. To tell you the truth, for me it’s also the need to make the bride-groom happy. After months, sometimes an entire year of phone calls and regular communication, I feel as close to them as I could be with some of my friends. I would not want to let them down.
[Question] How is your stress level now/today? Now, it's GOOD. We have just come back from two quite important weddings, also the first ones of the season, one in Arezzo and one in Rome. The weather forecast for both events was dreadful, with rain and a colder front. I’d tell you, nothing is more stressful than checking the weather report the week before the big day! I guess there isn’t anything that we CAN do to change a day of torrential rain into serene skies and sunshine, but we always come prepared and think of a plan B. In recent years we have it ready from the get-go. Unexpectedly, both weddings had no drops and very warm temperatures, so the events went extremely well.
[Question] What are the ‘restorative’ activities or moments you engage in during a normal work week?I plan ALONE TIME. I’m someone who likes to be aware of her body, so I know in advance when it’s time to schedule ‘rest’. I choose to dive in silence, leave phones and any digital distractions in the drawer, and I focus on my artistic interests. Sometimes I spend hours creating a collage, other days I write or play music… My tribe is also very important to me. I guess I nourish myself with art and creative tasks, and the people I love.
[Question] Wow, I find it so interesting! From what you are saying, it sounds like it is possible and healthy to plan rest time, the same way we plan action time. Am I right?I don’t know what works for everyone, but I can assure you that I plan that, too [she laughs]. I take myself quite seriously, so I find that rest is also an action verb. I had to learn this first, and now I remind myself about it on a daily basis. Naturally, I would be always on the go and busy with all kinds of things, but I had to surrender to the fact that if I rest [properly], I feel good. I plan my rest time with the same level of commitment that I use when I do the mood boards for my clients.
[Question] When will you PAUSE from work this summer and IF, are you planning to go somewhere and push the pause button? Considering that I will travel A LOT for work, I think that I will wait for the low season to move for leisure. I find that it’s better to keep my 'focus on the job' and 'my desire for wandering' a bit separate. I will, however, search for more accessible inspirational moments by going to concerts, spending time in nature, maybe a bit of beach time or a dip in the river. I will keep things flowing and engage with places and activities based on my mood. The trips I will do later in the year might be to catch up with friends who live away, something that gives me incredible energy and makes me feel very connected and recharged.
[Question] Is there any last inspiration you would like to pass on to the readers? Something that you think people might like or feel positively influenced by? I don’t know if people will relate to this, but I was very drawn to this book which I started reading recently. It was recommended to me, and the title alone had me wondering so much about the topic, even before I started reading. It’s called ‘Rest is Resistance’ by Tricia Harvey. It’s refreshing to look at things from a new perspective, and we speak a lot about rest, yet we are still so new to this practice that I feel our approach needs work.I believe in the importance of sharing good things, things that inspire us and do us good, so this is my gift to our readers.
"I plan my rest time with the same level of commitment that I use when I do the moodboards for my clients"
Thanks Aurora for being so candid with us about your personal life!
If you got curious and would like to meet the full team and/or read more about their dos and don’ts, head over to the TEAM section on our website.
We’ll continue the conversation with our superstar planners later in the year, for more tips and tricks of the trade.
See you in the next edition and best of luck with pushing that pause button SOON!