Love is in the air
The most romantic weekend of the year is HERE
When Valentine approaches we know it's about romance and rings.
Second only to the champion of engagement days in a year, Christmas Day, a lot is said about this conventional celebration time, but from our perspective there is nothing better than reminding ourselves and our loved ones of what they mean to us - be that every day, and why not, collectively, on V day.
Here's our thought-through juicy guide for the curious couples out there in search of authentic places to explore together on a lovey-dovey weekend time. Get ready to see some of the sweetest spots on show, some of which make for an interesting travel cocktail to use for any particular romantic gateway with your Valentine.
Make our ideas your own. Andiamo!

Weekend city tour
When in Rome, do as the Romans
An old Italian saying goes, 'Paese che vai, usanza che trovi', loosely translated as 'When in Rome, do as the Romans'.
Italy's selection of short holiday trips offers travelers the chance to get a better understanding of the underlying subculture, and strenghten the love for our unique country. We thought that you might appreciate our own take on an 'easy weekend trip' to spend some good quality time for two, with our very own twist of Stile Italiano.
A weekend well spent in one of Italy's artful and less trafficked cities such as Lucca, Mantua and Trieste is meant for those of you who are not kung-fu planners but still are looking to fill their time with lots of activities and inspiration.

Charming Mantua
Shakespeare's cherished destination
Known as City of Culture in 2016, this lovely city sits on the river Mincio - an important water stream coming all the way from the Garda Lake - right in the central section of Italy's north. The perfect scenario for a peaceful time away.
Can you picture anything more romantic than accessing the city via a long bridge, through one of the big gates of the ancient stone perimetre walls? A floating fortress that carries a royal past, Mantua is your best bet if you're into walking the halls of the Palazzo Ducale and love picturing palace life during the golden era. While you're at it, get in line for the Watch Tower, a real treat for your shot of Mantua's prettiest views and an eternal kiss.
Before you book your days with too much entertainment, ensure some down time with FOOD. You have list-long local specialties that will make you drool over for years to follow. Tortelli di zucca, sbrisolona, elvezia and Lambrusco mantovano: keep these names in mind for when you're over there ordering your meals.
A deserved break from sightseeing is also well spent in the majestic Piazza delle Erbe, or for a lesser crowd try the smaller ones, Piazza di Santa Barbara or Piazza Virgiliana. Trust us, the Piazza lifestyle is something to be experienced, not explained.
Surprise your other half with a bunch of days in this elegant backdrop for a true sip of Italian northern culture.

At the heart of Central Europe
If Naples was built in the north, it will be called Trieste - or else, 'la Napoli del nord' as people here like to call it.
Sophisticated architecture, plentiful of natural tracks on the nearby mountains and the pleasure of joining the locals for the Aperol spritz time. This and more is Trieste, where sun culture meets laid-back and sporty lifestyle in the far north east. This destination is a blend of opposites and contradictions that will have you in love with the port city life in no time.
A vibrant corner offering incredibly rich opportunities for art and music afficionados, counting some of the most prestigious music schools and theatres across the north of the country. Trieste is where Italian, Slovenian and Austrian talents come together under one natural roof, and the diversified nature of this port city comes across out of towners as soon as they step onto their breathtaking, sea-facing Piazza Unità.
You may wanna take note that on a sunny day you can spot locals running around town to catch some rays like tiny little lizards: careful because it's highly infectious, too. And prepare yourself for some uphill walking not to miss the beautiful landmarks scattered around the perimetre, which will tell you the story of a very old, very forward-thinking capital. Trieste is also known for its strong passion for sails and anything nautical - speaking of which, we highly recommend a quick visit to the recently renewed Museo del Porto Vecchio, right by the piers.
There is no bigger hidden treasure for an Italian enthusiast than Trieste.

Renaissance little gem town
The circular paved piazza, 100 churches, stone city walls, your traditional medieval towers, sounds familiar? On this edition we are suggesting you take a detour from Florence and Genoa to reach the regional town of Lucca. Before you start your tour, why not renting a bike to avoid the excessive walk, and access any corner of the car-free centre?
An essential tip for a visitor looking to understand the heart of this town is without a doubt to snack on cecinas, thin chickpea-flour local focaccias with a taste that will stick with you forever, even juicier if you add a meaty or oiled mediterranean veg toppings.
You can either focus on the history and mythological stories of pretty Lucca, or binge on little cafes, trattorias, pop over to the artisan workshops and chat with the artists for some real-life experience.
You might want to add something very cheesy but totally cute, like standing in the middle of Piazza dell'Anfiteatro and film you and your loved one in perfect Dolce Vita style.

A good old Shakespearean classic
There's an aristocratic je ne se quoi you'll experience walking the city of Verona.
A couple of interesting facts about Verona that you might not know, and will no doubt tickle you to head over. Amongst other things here you will find a Colosseum-style amphitheatre which is still used as a venue for large-scale performances, that maybe you're in luck to book for yourselves, for an evening of opera or musical wowness.
The lover's well, il Pozzo degli innamorati, a cute little altar for wishful love-seekers resorting to the universal force of love by committing a small donation, and let's not miss the very cherished house of Juliet, la Casa di Giulietta where you can lock your vow to eternal love.
But also the oldest library in the world, accessible from the city's old Cathedral is another good deed for those of you appreciating book culture, or an afternoon outing to the nearby Veronetta, the boho suburb of Verona born out of the ancient feud between the French and Austrian empires, which is now fertile soil for up-and-coming music fests and art celebrations.
Verona offers you the full package, with discreet tourist crowds and a very long list of unique experiences to enjoy, all screaming Stile Italiano.

Take a friend with you
You be my Valentine
Coupled or not, we are here to remind you that Italy is a beautiful destinations for romance AND friendly adventures. Make sure you don't miss out on the fun, the food and the millenial traditions that have made this country so attractive to foreign eyes for centuries.
WeddingItaly wishes you a great time of love for all your closed ones.
Happy Valentine's.
Creative Commons licence - photos from OpenLib ENIT (Ente Nazionale Italiano Turismo) and Canva® Stock Photos.