
Sergio Jesus Guerrero Carrasco & Maria Angelese Pardo Perez

Hi Sonia. First, I want to say you we are very grateful for your attention before and after the wedding. I hope Pablo give you the greetings that I sent you with him the day of ceremony. We are very happy because all happened that we planned before. The Palazzo is amazing, the ceremony was simple but very exciting and the photo session was very funny and Valerio made that we felt very comfortable in front of the camera. And Venezia is the most romantic city I’ve ever visited. I don’t have problems to write my comments in your website because in my case, your service was professional and, something very important when you work in the web, reliable. Some friends of mine are interested in this kind of ceremony, it´s possible you have news of them. Thanks for all.Sergio.

Sergio Jesus Guerrero Carrasco & Maria Angelese Pardo Perez
30 July 2005 - Venice
Catholic wedding